Immune cell profiling of the cerebrospinal fluid enables the characterization of the brain metastasis microenvironment

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Immune cell profiling of the cerebrospinal fluid enables the characterization of the brain metastasis microenvironment

Carlota Rubio-Perez # 1Ester Planas-Rigol # 1Juan L Trincado # 2 3Ester Bonfill-Teixidor 1Alexandra Arias 1Domenica Marchese 2Catia Moutinho 2Garazi Serna 1Leire Pedrosa 4Raffaella Iurlaro 1Francisco Martínez-Ricarte 5 6Laura Escudero 1Esteban Cordero 5 6Marta Cicuendez 5 6Sara Ruiz 2Genís Parra 2Paolo Nuciforo 1Josep Gonzalez 4Estela Pineda 4Juan Sahuquillo 5 6Josep Tabernero 1 6 7Holger Heyn 8 9Joan Seoane 10 11 12 13Affiliations expand

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Brain metastases are the most common tumor of the brain with a dismal prognosis. A fraction of patients with brain metastasis benefit from treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) and the degree and phenotype of the immune cell infiltration has been used to predict response to ICI. However, the anatomical location of brain lesions limits access to tumor material to characterize the immune phenotype. Here, we characterize immune cells present in brain lesions and matched cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using single-cell RNA sequencing combined with T cell receptor genotyping. Tumor immune infiltration and specifically CD8+ T cell infiltration can be discerned through the analysis of the CSF. Consistently, identical T cell receptor clonotypes are detected in brain lesions and CSF, confirming cell exchange between these compartments. The analysis of immune cells of the CSF can provide a non-invasive alternative to predict the response to ICI, as well as identify the T cell receptor clonotypes present in brain metastasis.

Editor do blog: Julio Pereira – Neurocirugião – São Paulo CRM/SP 163.113 Site para Consulta: Consultório: (11)99503-8838 (WhatsApp) / (11)4200-2300 Atuando no Hospital Sírio-Libanês e na BP – A Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo.

Cirurgia de Coluna
Tumor Cerebral
Aneurisma Cerebral
Neuro Cancer