management of post-traumatic spasticity: systematic review

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The role of selective dorsal rhizotomy in the management of post-traumatic spasticity: systematic review

Mohit Agrawal 1Raghu Samala 1Ramesh Doddamani 2Deepak Agrawal 1Sarat P Chandra 1Affiliations expand


There is a huge burden of patients suffering from trauma-induced disabling spasticity the world over. There are surprisingly few modalities of treatment with a sustained, proven benefit which can be offered to such patients. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) has been used with proven success in treating spasticity in patients of cerebral palsy, both in children and in adults. The rationale behind using the procedure in post-traumatic cases is reviewed, along with the cases reported till date in the world literature. The indications, surgical procedure used, outcome and complications, if any, are described. Most of the cases described in the literature have shown a favourable outcome with minimal complications. SDR can become an important tool in the armamentarium of the clinician treating this condition.

Keywords: Post-traumatic spasticity; Review; Selective dorsal rhizotomy.

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