TOP 5 Neuroanatomy Online For Neurosurgical Residents (2019)

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The Rhoton Collection® website is an interactive site providing Dr. Rhoton’s favorite lecture slides, video presentation and an interactive atlas — all in 2-D and 3-D formats.

The Neurosurgical Atlas documents and shares innovative neurosurgical techniques that improve patient safety and surgical outcome. Browse volumes, Grand Rounds presentations and operative video cases.

 3- Salamon’s Neuroanatomy and Neurovasculature Web-Atlas Resource (UCLA) is a pretty comprehensive tutorial resource covering both anatomy and vascularization of the brain. With clear explanations and diagrams, the site is good for self-study or as a complement to neuroanatomy classes. The interface could be better (the text is all in jpg form) but the thorough quiz section makes up for that.
4- The Whole Brain Atlas (Harvard University) is a fantastic site if you’re interested in aging and degenerating and diseased brains. The site has CT, MRI and PET scans and videos of the brain at it’s normal state, and the alterations as it ages. You can also view different kinds of strokes, tumors, alzheimer’s, huntington’s and other degenerative diseases, as well as various infectious diseases.
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5- Neuroanatomy Tutorial (University of Utah) is a fairly simple but highly effective site for learning gross structure of the brain. Its labeling system is particularly useful.
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