Cerebrospinal Fluid and Hydrocephalus

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Cerebrospinal Fluid and Hydrocephalus

Physiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Andreas K. Filis, MD; Kamran Aghayev, MD; Frank D. Vrionis, MD, PhD


Cancer Control. 2017;24(1):6-8.

Abstract and Introduction


Background. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is found around and inside the brain and vertebral column. CSF plays a crucial role in the protection and homeostasis of neural tissue.

Methods. Key points on the physiology of CSF as well as the diagnostic and treatment options for hydrocephalus are discussed.

Results. Understanding the fundamentals of the production, absorption, dynamics, and pathophysiology of CSF is crucial for addressing hydrocephalus. Shunts and endoscopic third ventriculostomy have changed the therapeutic landscape of hydrocephalus.

Conclusions. The treatment of hydrocephalus in adults and children represents a large part of everyday practice for the neurologist, both in benign cases and cancer-related diagnoses.


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